Are you teaching FSL 4 in Alberta this year? If so, I hope that this Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language year plan helps you out!

Want a PDF copy of the Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language year plan? Click HERE to have it sent to your inbox!
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – September
September in the French as a Second Language (FSL) classroom is all about setting up routines and having fun! It is always my goal during the first few weeks of school to help students fall in love with FSL class. In fact, I wrote an entire blog post about what to teach at the beginning of the school year. Click HERE to check it out! Want a step-by-step guide to your first week of FSL class? Click HERE to grab my French Back to School unit on TPT.
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – October
In October, my focus is always on Halloween. I love to incorporate songs and fun games into our month of learning. Students enjoy learning about Halloween which is why I spend so much time teaching about it.
Click to read my blog post about 4 Free French Halloween Activities. Then click HERE to read about the best French Halloween songs.
October is also a great time to start the “My Classroom” unit. I usually like to start with a mini-unit on school supplies. Click HERE to check it out on TPT or click HERE to read more about how I structure my school supplies unit.
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – November
In November, I like to finish up the My Classroom unit. This means we cover concepts such as classroom interactions (which we started in September), people in the classroom, classroom furniture, arithmetic operations, and shapes. I also like to add a quick study of basic colors if there is time. Click HERE to grab a FREE French colours poster!
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – December
December is always such a busy month! I usually try to start our “Who am I” unit in December with the understanding that concerts and special events may make it so that we need to push most of the unit to January.
In December, I consider it a win if I can get through a body parts mini-unit. Students need to know their body parts and their colours in order to describe their physical traits later in the “Who am I” unit. Click HERE to read my blog post about teaching French body parts. Then click HERE to grab my French body parts activities on TPT.
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – January
In January, I like to finish the “Who am I” unit. This means that students learn about their age and birthday, their physical traits, personality traits as well as their likes and dislikes. One of my all time favourite digital activities helps students to share their likes and dislikes. Click HERE to check it out on TPT.
In January, we also learn about Alberta’s winter celebrations. This website talks about Alberta’s different winter celebrations.
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – February
February starts with a Valentine’s Day unit. Click HERE to check out my detailed, step-by-step unit on TPT. Or click HERE to read my blog post all about Valentine’s Day in the FSL classroom. The blog post even has some super cute FREE Valentines linked, so be sure to check those out!
After Valentine’s Day, I like to start our “My Immediate Family” unit. I have a step by step unit that teaches students about the names for different family members. Click HERE to check it out on TPT.
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – March
The second half of our “My Immediate Family” unit focuses on pets. Students LOVE learning about animals and THIS pets unit is super easy to use.
After we finish up our pets unit, we dive into St. Patrick’s Day. Click HERE to read my detailed blog post about celebrating le jour de la Saint Patrick in the FSL classroom. My French St. Patrick’s Day activities can be found HERE.
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – April
In April, we continue our “My Immediate Family” unit. At this point, we move on to describing our family members.
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – May
Mother’s Day is in May. So we spend a good chunk of time talking about Mother’s Day as well as Father’s Day, which is in June. I like to do this unit towards the end of the month so that we can do Mother’s Day and Father’s Day at the same time. Click HERE to check out my step-by-step unit!
I also like to focus on prepositions in May. By this point in the year, students have a vast vocabulary available to them so it is easier to describe WHERE different objects/ animals are.
Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan – June
I spend the first part of June studying Father’s Day vocabulary. But I like to save most of the month for review. Plus I find that there are usually so many special field trips, sports days, etc in June that lots of French classes get cancelled.
Yearlong Studies
There are certain concepts that work best when taught throughout the year. I like to teach the following concepts during our daily French Calendar time.
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- Seasons
- Statutory Holidays in Canada
- Weather expressions
- Seasonal weather
- Numbers 0 – 69
Click HERE to read a blog post and learn more about my calendar routine. Or click HERE to read a blog post about 5 Fun Ways to teach French Numbers to 100.
So there you have it teacher bestie! An Alberta Grade 4 French as a Second Language Year Plan. I hope it makes your teacher life just a little bit easier 🙂
PS. If you want to grab all of my Alberta Grade 4 FSL products at a GREAT price, click HERE to grab the growing bundle on TPT. Not only do you save money upfront by buying the bundle, but you also get FREE access to any other Grade 4 products that I add to my store in the future. Talk about a WIN!