Wanting to teach a French School Supplies Vocabulary unit? You’re in the right place. I have even included a FREEBIE in this blog post for you! Keep reading to grab it for your classroom.
Are you looking for a super engaging back-to-school unit for French as a Second Language or core French students? I love starting the year with a ” My Classroom ” French unit because it allows me to teach students routines while at the same time reviewing or teaching basic vocabularies like school supplies and classroom furniture. It’s like killing two birds with one stone!
1) Start With Music!
You probably know by now that I LOVE to incorporate music into my second language classroom whenever possible! One of my favourite tricks is to use French songs as a transition tool. Students know that by the time the song is done, they need to be seated and ready for class.
This song is super catchy and your upper elementary students will probably tell you that it’s cringy but then they will be singing it all day long! It is a great addition to your French School Supplies or Ma Salle de Classe unit!
2) French School Supplies Stations
The way to get upper elementary students to LOVE coming to French class is by incorporating fun, engaging activities into each and every day!

I love these stations because they allow students to develop a solid grasp of school supplies in French! Your FSL kiddos will love playing a variety of games such as LOTO, POP, Go Fish and more! Click HERE to check them out.
3) Would You Rather Game – French School Supplies
I am all about using games whenever possible in the FSL classroom. One of my favourite games to play is Would You Rather. I love this so much because it can seriously be used with ANY content! Simply come up with a bunch of “tu préfèfes” questions and have students answer with their preferences!

Don’t have time to come up with your own questions? I have a great French School Supplies Would You Rather game available HERE.
Want to try out a Would You Rather game for FREE before purchasing? Click HERE to grab your FREE copy of my French Halloween Would You Rather game on TPT.
4) Dice Game
Do your students love to play games as much as mine do? I love this simple dice game because it is easy to print, laminate and use year after year! You can have students play this game in stations or you can have everyone play at once with a partner. The options are endless! Click HERE to grab your FREE game now.

How do you like to teach your students the vocabulary terms for French school supplies? Is there anything I should add to my list? Send me a message on Instagram or Facebook to let me know!
Want to learn more about teaching French as a Second Language? Click HERE to checkout my other French blog posts!