Struggling to Teach How to Write the Time in French? 5 Fun Ways to Make It Stick!”

Want to know the best way to teach your students how to write the time in French? You’re in the right place! Ever had students mix up “quatre heures” and “quatorze heures” and look at you like time itself is a mystery? You’re not alone! Teaching how to write the time in French can be tricky, but with the right strategies, it can also be fun and engaging.

In this post, I’ll break down the essentials of telling time in French, highlight common student mistakes (and how to fix them), and share interactive activities you can use in your classroom today! Let’s make mastering how to write the time in French a breeze!

The Basics: How to Write the Time in French

Understanding numbers in French is essential for telling time accurately. If your students need extra practice with numbers before diving into time-related lessons, check out my post on 5 Fun Ways to Teach French Numbers to 100.

1. The 12-Hour vs. 24-Hour Clock

French speakers use both the 12-hour and 24-hour clock, but the 24-hour format is most common in formal settings, like school schedules, transportation timetables, and official documents. Knowing how to write the time in French properly ensures clarity in both spoken and written communication.

  • 12-hour clock: Used in informal speech, often with “du matin,” “de l’après-midi,” or “du soir” to clarify AM/PM.
    • Ex: Il est trois heures de l’après-midi. (It’s 3:00 PM.)
  • 24-hour clock: Common in written communication and official contexts. No need for “du matin” or “du soir.”
    • Ex: Il est 15h00. (It’s 3:00 PM.)

2. Expressing the Hour and Minutes

When writing the time in French, follow this format:

  • Exact hour:Il est [number] heure(s). (It’s [number] o’clock.)
    • Ex: Il est huit heures. (It’s 8:00.)
  • Adding minutes:Il est [hour] heures [minutes].
    • Ex: Il est huit heures dix. (It’s 8:10.)
  • Quarter and half-hour markers:
    • 8:15 → Il est huit heures et quart.
    • 8:30 → Il est huit heures et demie.
    • 8:45 → Il est neuf heures moins le quart.

🎥 Video resource: Watch this video for a step-by-step explanation of telling time in French.

3. Writing the Time in Digital Format

When writing the time in French numerically, use an h instead of a colon:

  • 8h00 (instead of 8:00)
  • 14h30 (instead of 2:30 PM)

This format is standard in schedules, timetables, and formal writing, making it essential for students to master.

Common Student Mistakes (and How to Fix Them!)

Mixing up “quatorze heures” and “quatre heures”
✅ Have students practice with real-world examples, like converting school schedules or train timetables. Writing the time in French accurately helps avoid misunderstandings.

Confusing “moins le quart” and “et quart”
✅ Use a visual clock or gestures to reinforce that “moins le quart” means subtracting from the next hour.

Forgetting to use “h” instead of a colon in written time
✅ Do a quick “spot the mistake” activity where students correct improperly written times.

Engaging Classroom Activities to Reinforce Learning

⏰ 1. Time-Telling Relay Race
Write different times (both in words and numbers) on index cards. Students race to match the written time in French to its digital format correctly.

🎤 2. Daily Time Check-In
At the start of class, ask, “Quelle heure est-il?” and have a different student answer each day using the 24-hour clock.

🕰️ 3. Schedule Matching
Give students a mock school schedule in French (ex: Le cours de français est à 10h15). Have them match written times with the correct clock illustrations.

📅 4. Real-Life Scavenger Hunt
Challenge students to find examples of how to write the time in French (train schedules, TV listings, store hours) and bring them to class for discussion.

Additional Support for French Beginners

If you’re looking for a structured way to teach beginner French students, my French as a Second Language for Beginners Bundle includes engaging, ready-to-use activities that cover essential vocabulary and foundational skills—including how to write the time in French!

how to tell time in french beginner french bundle

Final Thoughts

Teaching how to write the time in French doesn’t have to be boring! By using real-life examples, games, and consistent daily practice, your students will master this skill in no time.

Want to keep the learning fun and stress-free? Check out this bundle to make teaching French even easier! 😊

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