Are you on the hunt for end of the year math activities? I don’t think that I need to tell you that keeping students engaged in meaningful math learning at the end of the year is tricky! So keep reading for 3 fun end of the year math activities that you can use in your upper elementary math class tomorrow!
1) Digital Math Escape Room
My all time favourite end of the year math activities are digital escape rooms! Here’s why:
- no marking
- kids love them
- take 2 minutes to prep
- fun to review concepts taught throughout the year
- no clean-up
- actually engaging
I have Math Escape Rooms for almost every math concept out there! But my favourites for the end of the year are the year-long reviews. I have an Alberta Grade 4 Year Long Math Review and an Alberta Grade 5 Year Long Math Review. These digital games are so much fun, your kiddos will be begging for more.

Don’t believe me? Click HERE to have my Basic Facts Digital Escape Room sent straight to your inbox for FREE. Use it with your students and see what I’m talking about.
2) Practice Makes Perfect
Does it ever seem to you like students have already forgotten some of the math concepts covered earlier in the year by the time June rolls around? Ya me too… BUT, one way to combat this is to complete tons of review activities.
I have an Alberta Grade 4 and an Alberta Grade 5 Math Year-End Review Booklet. Students will review ALL of their math concepts with only 5 questions a day. Best of all, there are 4 weeks of problems included. So you can literally use this activity for AN ENTIRE MONTH!
Another option is to have students start these booklets in class and then take them home over the summer to finish. You know your kiddos best. Do what works for you!
Want to try out a FREE one week sample of my math review booklets? Click HERE to grab the Alberta Grade 5 Math Review Sample. Click HERE to grab the Alberta Grade 4 Math Review Sample.

3) End of the Year Math Activities – Project Based Learning
The end of the year is a fabulous time to incorporate PBL or Project Based Learning into your upper elementary math class. In fact, some of my favourite end of the year math activities happen to be projects.
Projects are super engaging and provide students with opportunities to practice a ton of math skills as well as make cross-curricular connections with subjects such as English Language Arts.
Here are some end of the year math projects that I love:
- Design a Dream Room (Area, Perimeter, Adding and Subtracting Decimals)
- Design an Alien Spaceship (Capacity, Volume, Area, Perimeter)
- Design a Snack Shack (Measurement, Quadrilaterals, Transformations, Graphing)

So there you have it, three awesome end of the year math activities for your upper elementary classroom. I hope that your students thrive in math class this month!
Need some more end of the year activities? Check out THIS post all about hosting an end of the year reading party. Or THIS post that lists 5 different end of the year activities!