Are you on the hunt for some amazing professional development books for teaching reading? Here is a list of my top 3! These books are perfect for upper elementary teachers who use a reading workshop approach.
1) The Reading Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo
This book is AMAZING for finding ideas for reading mini lessons, strategy groups, reading conferences, etc. Jennifer Serravallo has included a ton of different teaching strategies that you can use to help your students, based on their reading goal. She has even organized the book using a hierarchy of reading goals, so that you know where your kiddos should start.
2) The Daily 5 by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser
Even if you don’t use The Daily 5 in your upper elementary classroom, this book has AMAZING tips for classroom management. The training system that they use to build reading stamina is why this is on of my favourite professional development books for teaching reading.
3) The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller
The Book Whisperer is an amazing professional development book for teaching reading! This one is perfect for upper elementary teachers who want their students to fall in love with reading (don’t we all?) She talks about the importance of doing actual reading over tasks that take the joy out of reading.
So there you have it, my top 3 professional development books for teaching reading. I hope that you find some inspiration and that they help you on your teaching journey!
Are you looking for more information about Reading Workshop? Check out this blog post all about routines in the reading workshop classroom!