How do I organize my math block?

Over the past few years, I have played around with different ways to organize my math block. This past year, I found a method that really works for me and more importantly, for my students!


  • My math block is one hour long. However, by the time the kids get inside from recess, it’s more like 55 minutes.

Days of the Week:

Math Schedule for Upper Elementary Classrooms - Whole Group, Small Group, Games, Fun!

    Whole Group Lesson:

    This lesson usually uses a PowerPoint presentation. I try not to use manipulatives on Mondays because it takes soooo long to get them out and distribute them to every kid in the class. (I prefer using manipulatives during my small group instruction time.) During the whole group lesson, we do lots of practicing on our mini white boards and tons of turning and talking with our math buddies.

    Whole Group PowerPoint Presentation to Introduce Representing and Describing Numbers to 1 000 000.

    Workshop Days:

    Each workshop day starts with a quick warm up game to get the kids in the “math zone”. The warm- up lasts for 10-15 minutes and I try to make it as fun and active as possible.

    Place Value - Expanded Form, Standard Form, Chart form and Word Form (fun, games, small group, whole class)

    Next, students go through a set of stations with our math teams. My math teams are consist of homogeneous groups of kids that are at the same level so that I can differentiate the activities if needed. I teach a combined class (grades 4 and 5) this year so most of my stations need to be differentiated.

    Place Value - Expanded Form, Standard Form, Chart form and Word Form (fun, games, small group, whole class)

    Groups visit two stations every workshop day. Each station lasts for 20 minutes. My stations include a variety of games and activities to practice the skills that we are currently working on in class. I also try to include at least one station that spirals back to something that we have already learned. In grade 4 and 5 I find that I am often including activities on multiplication and division facts.

    Place Value - Expanded Form, Standard Form, Chart form and Word Form (fun, games, small group, whole class)

    One station is always the teacher station. This is where I work with a small group of students, at their level. I review concepts that were taught on Monday, we practice problems together and in 20 minutes I can get a LOT accomplished! This is the time where my students use manipulatives as it takes so much less time to distribute manipulatives to 5 students, than to 30!


    We usually start each Thursday by reviewing and correcting the work that we have done that week. I give kids an opportunity to ask any questions that they may have.

    Next we write a short summative assessment. It is usually one double sided page and is directly related to the skill that we learned that week.

    After the assessment is completed, if we have extra time, my class loves to play extra math games!

    Review and Re-Teaching:

    On Fridays we use technology to review our week’s work. I LOVE using the program Mathletics in my classroom. I have a blog post about Mathletics that you can check out if you are interested in more info!

    While the kids are working on Mathletics, I re-teach and extend learning with individual students or small groups based on the results of yesterday’s assessment.

    Interested in this type of math instruction, I have a place value unit in my store that follows this model. Click here to take a peek!

    Place Value - Expanded Form, Standard Form, Chart form and Word Form (fun, games, small group, whole class)

    Next week, we are going to talk about how I organize all of my math manipulatives and station supplies. Be sure to pin the image below so that you can come back to this post!

    Place Value - Expanded Form, Standard Form, Chart form and Word Form (fun, games, small group, whole class)

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