3 Fun and Easy Ideas for Teaching La Fête des Rois in the French Classroom

La Fête des Rois is celebrated on January 6th. Oftentimes, I am too busy teaching students about le Jour de l’an on the 6th so I often celebrate la Fête des Rois on the 16th. Do what works best for you and your students.

The nice thing about teaching la Fête des Rois in your upper elementary FSL classroom is that it’s a holiday that very few students will have any background knowledge on. To me, that makes it even more fun to teach!

Vocabulary Presentation

I like to start this unit with a quick Google Slides TM presentation to introduce students to la Fête des Rois. This provides students with a basic understanding of this French winter holiday and some of the important vocabulary terms.

la fete des rois vocabulary presentation
It is a really great idea to have students take notes as they learn about la Fête des Rois. Not only can this help to solidify their knowledge but it also makes a great study guide!
la fete des rois interactive notes

La Fête des Rois Activity Booklet

Next, students complete la Fête des Rois activity booklets. I also love leaving these little booklets of printable activities as substitute teacher plans if I know that I am going to be away. For some reason, I always tend to get sick in January!

la fête des rois worksheets

Treat Time!

After students have a bit of an understanding of this holiday, it’s time to get your bake on! La galette is a special cake served on La Fête des Rois. There is a small token hidden inside. The person who finds the token gets to be King or Queen for the day!

You have two options here. You could choose to bake with your class, which I am ALL ABOUT! Hello, measurement and real-life skills! Just don’t forget to insert your token into the cake carefully.

Alternatively, you could buy cupcakes from the store (I like to use those mini ones). Then carefully insert a small token into one of the cupcakes. 

la fete des rois la galette

Whichever student finds the lucky charm then gets special privileges for the day. Maybe you will have a crown for them to wear? Maybe they get to choose which game the class plays in PE? Maybe the rest of the class will practice bowing down to them or referring to them as “le rois”? It’s really up to you.

Want an entire “done for you” Fête des Rois unit? Check out the bundle on TPT!

Need some more ideas for teaching French winter holidays? Check out THIS blog post.

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