Are you on the hunt for engaging and low prep French oral language activities? I don’t know about you but the last thing that I have time to do is prepare complicated oral language games. That’s why today I am sharing three of my favourite French oral language activities that you can use all year long in your second language classroom!

1. Find Someone Who…

This is a super low prep activity that you can reuse all year long!
Simply copy enough boards so that each student has one. Then stick them into page protectors so that they can be reused with whiteboard markers!
Students will walk around the room finding someone who can answer “oui” to the questions on their boards. I always make a rule that you can only ask one question to each player, but you might do things differently and that’s totally fine.
When they find someone who can answer yes to their question, they add that person’s name to the block on their page.
The first person to fill their page wins!
Now remember… kids are tricky! You will need to remind them that the expectation is that they ask the questions aloud and answer in French. They cannot just point to a square or nod their head. They NEED to say the French words.
Grab your FREE copy of this game by clicking HERE.
2. Conversation Prompt Slides

These conversation prompts can be used very similarly to a game of musical chairs!
Start by playing some music and have students walk around the room. I like to search French Disney music on Youtube.
After a few seconds, pause the music. Each time the music stops, students must find a new partner. I suggest having students who can’t find a partner put their hands up so that they can more easily find each other. By insisting that students work with a different partner each time, it makes it easier for them to step out of their comfort zones and work with someone who isn’t their best friend.
Each partnership decides who will be person A and who will be person B.
Display the prompt.
Person A will ask the question. Person B will answer. Then they will switch roles.
Once they are done, have them sit down so that you know when it’s time to restart the music and have students continue to move about the room.
I love using this activity for around 10 minutes, twice a week all year long! Once students understand the routine, they get a TON of French oral language practice from it. Plus it’s a great way to review vocabulary from past units such as clothing, foods, colours, etc.
You can check out these French Conversation Prompts by clicking HERE.
3. French Would You Rather Game
I LOVE playing would you rather because not only is it amazing French oral language practice, but it is so much fun! They kids get so passionate about their choices and that makes it all the more motivating for them to speak in French.

Musical Would You Rather
Play a round or two of “musical would you rather”. The game is played just like musical chairs. Start some French music (I love the French Disney songs on Youtube.). As the music plays, students walk or dance around the room.
When the music stops, students need to find a partner. They must choose a new partner each round.
Display a “tu préfères” question on the SMART board or other projector system. Each partner takes a turn answering the question and when finished the pair sits down. Also, be
sure to figure out in advance if you will need to allow groups of 3 based on how many kiddos are in your class that day.
Movement Would You Rather
Another option is to play a whole class movement game with the slides. Show a “tu préfères” slide on the SMART board. Next to each option is a number 1 or a number 2. Designate each side of your classroom as either side 1 or side 2. When you say “aller” students walk or dance to the side of the room that corresponds with what they prefer.
Once students are on their chosen sides of the room, they can chorally state their preference.
You can check out these Would You Rather slides by clicking HERE.
What are your favourite ways to get students speaking French in FSL class? I would love for you to email me or send me a DM and let me know!